Undergraduate geosciences student Greg Harris has been awarded 2 travel grants for summer 2014. The first is the UCONN Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) . Greg will travel to Nevada and collect samples to look at the paleoclimate change in that region. Greg’s second travel grant comes from the Keck Geology Consortium. The Consortium is a multi-university research opportunity in Colorado. Greg will be working under Will Ouimet (UCONN) studying the effect of forest fires and fire frequency in the Fourmile Catchment, Front Range, Colorado. He and 6 other undergraduate students (supervised by three project leaders, Ouimet included) will collect and analyze samples from the region and determine the importance of fire in the critical zone, the geomorphic significance of catastrophic floods in channel and flood plain evolution and the variable effects of the September 2013 floods from the upper to lower Fourmile basin. Greg, currently a junior, will use these research projects a basis for his senior honors thesis next year.